The cast of the movie "Dark Shadows" directed by Tim Burton has been revealed. Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins, Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman, Jackie Earle Haley as grounskeeper Willie Loomis, Jonny Lee Miller as Roger Collins, Michelle Pfeiffer as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, and Chloe Moretz as her teenage daughter Carolyn. The new movie tells the story of Barnabas Collins, turned into a vampire by a witch whose heart he broke. She entombs him for 200 years, until he emerges in 1972 where the story really begins. Originally, a daytime drama on ABC starring Jonathan Frid as Barnabas, the series ran from 1966 to 1971 and is the basis for the new movie. There was a reboot of the franchise in 1991 starring Ben Cross as Barnabas and also starring Joanna Going and Joseph Gordon-Levitt that ran for 12 episodes.
Terra Nova aired on Fox Monday Night and the show was better than I expected. They took a few classic sci-fi premises and managed to completely incorporate them into a brilliant new sci-fi adventure. Hopefully, this show will have the kind of success that will allow the story to fully unfold.
I recently watched "Season of the Witch" starring Nicholas Cage and Ron Perlman. The movie was the story of two medival knight who after fighting in The Crusades are drawn into service by The Church to transport a witch who unleashed a plague to a group of monks who can break her spell. The movie was better than advertised and quite a surprising suspense and horror movie.
The season finale of "Alphas" aired on Monday and the season ended in grand fashion, and much to my delight SyFy picked the show up for a second season. The show is about people with extraordinary powers and abilities who solve mysteries and combat enemies who are gifted like them.