"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will land in theaters this December. The latest trailer debuted last week to great anticipation. Instead of all the tedious blather about what each scene represents that far too many people are engaging in. I instead submit for your approval the actual trailer for you to enjoy in your own unique way.
Marvel's "Jessica Jones" debuts on November 20 on Netflix. The second of Marvel's shows produced for Netflix this show will be just as dark, if not darker (imagine that if you will) than its predecessor Marvel's "Daredevil".
"The Flash" continues its sophomore season with tonight's episode "The Fury of Firestorm". The series introduces Jefferson Jackson (Franz Drameh) newest addition to the team and new half of the duo that merges to become the hero Firestorm.
"Arrow" continues its fourth season tomorrow night with the episode "Beyond Restoration". The consequences of Laurel Lance's (Katie Cassidy) actions last week may prove disastrous for her and the rest of Team Arrow.