"The Shape of Water" is scheduled for theaters this Friday. The new movie from director Guillermo del Toro is a tale that takes place during Cold War era 1962 America. The story of a lonely mute young woman named Elisa, played by actor Sally Hawkins, who works in a top secret government laboratory. When she and her co-worker Zelda (Octavia Spencer) discover a secret classified experiment that shatters her usual mundane routine and irrevocably changes her life.
Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War" is coming and the first trailer has finally arrived. Earth's Mightiest Heroes are reuniting across the globe to battle a threat bigger than any they have ever faced before ...Thanos. After years of plotting and planning, Thanos begins collecting the Infinity Stones. They are also joined by allies from beyond the planet in a fight for the very the fate of the universe.
Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." returns this Friday at 8 p.m. ET with a two-hour premiere for Season 5. Agent Coulson and the team find themselves stranded in space with new enemies and new allies. The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. begin a brand new adventure in outer space everything will change in ways they couldn't ever imagine.