"Ready Player One" will open in theaters this Thursday. Director Steven Spielberg brings to life the worldwide best-selling novel by Ernest Clines, based on a screenplay by Zak Penn and Ernest Clines. Wade Watts finds the existence of his virtual escape from reality, The OASIS, is threatened when a virtual treasure hunt turns into an all-out war for control of the future by controlling The OASIS.
"Deadpool 2" is scheduled for theaters on May 18. Ryan Reynolds reprises his role as the "Merc with a Mouth" a.k.a. Deadpool. Deadpool's usually chaotic life is further complicated by a time-traveler from the future, the cybernetic mutant from the future known as Cable (played by Josh Brolin). Overwhelmed by Cable's superior power, Deadpool must find a way to stop Cable from killing a young mutant and assembles a team of mutants to help him.
"Lost in Space" will premiere on April 13 on Netflix with all episodes streaming. Based on the classic television series "Lost in Space" follows the Robinson family. Unexpectedly pulled off course during a mission to establish a new colony in space and forced to crash land on a lost planet. Now marooned on an uncharted planet, the family find themselves in a struggle to survive.
Marvel's "Cloak & Dagger" will premiere Thursday, June 7 on Freeform.Based on the popular characters from the Marvel Comics. The series follows two distinctly different teenagers Tyrone "Ty" Johnson and Tandy Bowen, who linked by the past, share a destiny, complete with mysterious superpowers that connect them to one another.