"Jupiter Ascending" is the latest movie from the creators of The Matrix Trilogy and it appears to be a space epic with an Earth based heroine. The movie stars Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis as the titular heroine Jupiter. Check out the trailer and see if you get the same impression I got. It has that new movie franchise smell.
"The Four" is a martial arts/ superhero movie that is worth watching. I usually don't ad movies with subtitles but this one is definitely a cut above most martial arts movies I've watched so I had to include it.The movie is based on a popular Chinese book series. It is the story of four constables in ancient China that each have special abilities. This is the first of what is supposed to be a franchise and the action and cinematography are quite impressive. Check out the trailer and see if you are as intrigued as I was. The movie is available on DVD/Bluray.
"Tai Chi Zero" is another martial arts movie that is worth watching. It's has been called a steampunk martial arts adventure and it is really quite more than that. Available on DVD/Bluray, I highly recommend it. If you enjoy it you will also enjoy the sequel "Tai Chi Hero"
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