"Tomb Raider" is scheduled to open in theaters on March 16. Oscar winner Alicia Vikander is Laura Crofton in this adaptation of the popular video game franchise. After finding a hidden message from her father, Laura undertakes a mission that leads her to an uncharted island in the middle of the perilous Devil's Sea. Tasked by her father's final message to stop the dangerous organization Trinity from achieving their goals.
"Black Panther" is scheduled to open in theaters on February 16. Following his debut in "Captain America: Civil War" T'Challa, latest The Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) takes his rightful place as king of the hidden and insular nation of Wakanda. However, he will have challenges to face before he can ascend the throne. Not the least of which comes in the form of the duo of Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) and Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan).
"Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay" the upcoming movie is latest DC Universe feature-length animated film. Amanda Waller head of the top-secret covert organization "Task Force X" sends a team, comprised of the supervillains Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, Killer Frost, Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn, and Copperhead, on a mission against the deadly and immortal Vandal Savage. The movie arrives on Digital starting March 27 and on Blu-ray and DVD April 10.
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