"The Meg" is scheduled to open in theaters this Friday. Jason Statham and an international cast star in this action-thriller from director John Turteltaub (the "National Treasure" movies). The crew of an international undersea observation platform discovers that a 75-foot long prehistoric shark is alive and well and ready to turn the entire ocean into his feeding ground. They must find a way to stop the creature before it upsets the entire undersea ecosystem and threaten all life on the entire planet.
"Venom" is scheduled to open in theaters on October 5. Tom Hardy stars as Eddie Brock, an investigative reporter willing to go the extra to break a story. Until one day he goes too far and becomes a part of the story he's investigating. Infected by a symbiote of extraterrestrial origin he begins to experience unusual symptoms. Believing himself to be hallucinating he soon realizes that what's inside of him is not only alive, it's intelligent and he's its host.
"The Death of Superman" is available starting today on Blu-ray/DVD. Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment present this feature-length animated movie re-imagined as part of the popular series of DC Universe animated movies. The Man of Steel meets his match when Doomsday brings all of his rage and destructive power to Earth. When it becomes clear that he's the only hero who can stand in the way of the creature's rampage of destruction, Superman finds himself in a fight to the finish with the nearly unstoppable Doomsday.
"Constantine: City of Demons" will be available on Blu-ray/DVD and Digital HD on October 9. Actor Matt Ryan provides the voice for the popular character that he also portrays on live-action television shows "Constantine" and "Legends of Tomorrow". John Constantine, occult investigator/practitioner, and his friend and family man Chas must save Chas' daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma. Enlisting help from the Nightmare Nurse, the influential Queen of Angels, and the brutal Aztec God Mictlantechutli, they attempt to outsmart the demon Beroul for Trish's soul. However, when dealing with the shadowy world of the supernatural, not everything is what it seems, and there's always a price to pay.
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