"Ghostbusters" opens in theaters this Friday. This all-female re-imagining of the beloved eighties classic movie is from director Paul Feig ("Bridemaids" "The Heat") and featuring the cast of Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth.
"Star Trek: Beyond" the latest installment in the updated movie franchise opens on July 22. Captain Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise comes under siege from an enemy that challenges them and everything they stand for, especially their resolve to the principles of the Federation.
"Batman: The Killing Joke" is the animated feature film adaptation of the highly successful and acclaimed graphic novel by writer Alan Moore and artist Brian Bolland. The animated movie features the "Batman: The Animated Series" voice cast of Kevin Conroy as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Mark Hamill as The Joker, and Tara Strong as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl reprising their roles.
'Suicide Squad" opens on August 5. The highly anticipated movie featuring the team of supervillains coerced by a top secret U.S.Government agency to undertake dangerous missions in exchange for reduced prison sentences. The only catch is that the missions are potentially fatal, literally suicide.
"Morgan" opens in theaters on Sept.2. The sci-fi/horror about a prototype genetically engineered "human" named Morgan being observed in a top secret facility. Her "tantrum" leads to an investigation from a corporate troubleshooter and unintentionally unleashes the terrifying implications of what they've created. The movie stars Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy, Toby Jones, Rose Leslie, Boyd Holbrook, Michelle Yeoh, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Paul Giamatti.
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