"The LEGO NINJAGO Movie" is scheduled to open in theaters on Sept. 22. The latest animated adventure in the LEGO franchise from Warner Bros. Pictures. LEGO NINJAGO comes to the big screen featuring the voice talents of Dave Franco, Justin Theroux, Fred Armisen, Abbi Jacobson, Olivia Munn, Kumail Nanjiani, Michael Peña, Zach Woods, and the legendary Jackie Chan.
"The Flash" Season 4 premieres October 10 at 8/7c on The CW. Barry is gone and without him, The Flash isn't around to protect Central City from dangerous metahumans. Iris, his fiancee, and the rest of Team Flash are doing what they can to protect the city while still reeling from their losses at the end of last season.All hope is not lost as Cisco attempts to devise a way to free Barry who is trapped in The Speed Force, the very source of his powers.
"Arrow" Season 6 premieres October 12 at 9/8c on The CW. Oliver and Team Arrow will have to pick up the pieces after the events of the last season where Prometheus laid siege to their lives - both public and private. Now, Oliver will have to embrace a new mission to protect his city as both The Mayor and Green Arrow while raising his son, William.
"Legends of Tomorrow" Season 3 premieres October 10 at 9/8c on The CW. The Legends continue their mission to correct temporal aberrations - unusual changes in history could result in catastrophically affecting time itself. The team will face new villains and even greater challenges than before.
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