For you fans of the CW series "Supernatural", Warner Bros Home Video has scheduled a July 26 release for "Supernatural: The Anime Series", a 22-episode colllection based on the series of the same name. The series, animated by Madhouse, first aired in Japan and will be translated for American audiences."Supernatural" star Jared Padalecki reprises his role as Sam Winchester for all 22 episodes. Co-Star Jensen Ackles also provides the voice of Dean Winchester in select episodes. They will both provide video introductions to the episodes. The "Supernatural" anime episodes mirror the story arc of the series' first two seasons, providing stories that tie into the series as prequels and spin-offs to untold tales that fit within the Supernatural mythology. The Winchester brothers' travel the highways and byways of America as they search for clues to their father's disappearence, hunt down the supernatural in all its unearthy forms, and enter into the unexpected mystery of their destinies. The scenes in the trailer are in japanese, if you follow the series they definitely seem to have captured the eerieness and gloom of the series.
The latest "Green Lantern" movie trailer describes the origins of The Green Lantern Corps and explains how Hal Jordan received the ring of power.
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, the animated movie arrives in stores on June 7 from Warner Bros Home Video. The animated movie tells the story of Arisa, voiced by Elizabeth Moss (Madmen), a new recruit being trained by Hal Jordan, voiced by Nathan Fillion (Castle) and in teaching her reveals different stories of the Green Lantern Corps. Voice cast includes Jason Issacs (Harry Potter) as Sinestro, Henry Rollins (Bad Boys II) as Kllowog, Arnold Vosloo (The Mummy) as Abin Sur, Tony Amendolo (The Mask of Zorro) as Kentor, Kelly Hu (Cradle 2 the Grave) as Laira, Roddy Piper (They Live) as Bolphunga, and Wade Williams (Prison Break) as Deegan just to name a few. The trailer showcases the bright and brilliant style of this stunning animated movie.
Back in April at WonderCon, Warner Bros Animation released a trailer for new "Thundercats" series which is due to premiere on Cartoon Network in July. The series has been revamped and will definitely pay homage to the original while telling all new and completely revised stories and showcasing updated versions of the classic characters.
Here's a trailer for the Iron Man anime series set to premiere on G4 sometime in June.