"The Huntsman: Winter's War" the prequel to "Snow White and The Huntsman" opens in theaters on April 22. The movie that reveals the story of The Huntsman before he met Snow White is also the story of the rivalry between Ravenna (Charlize Theron) and her sister Freya (Emily Blunt).
Disney's "The Jungle Book" the live action version of the Disney animated classic opens on April 15. Based on the characters created by author Rudyard Kipling, the story of Mowgli has been brought to the screen in many versions, but the Disney animated version is perhaps the most beloved.
"The Flash" the runaway hit CW network show airs a new episode tonight. The Flash travels into the past for answers and is pursued by a creature his journey into his past unintentionally unleashed. This action packed high octane show continues to take us to the next level.
"Arrow" the CW Network hit show takes it up a notch with a new episode tomorrow. A deadly villain from "The Flash", Brie Larvin aka "The Bug-Eyed Bandit" invades Palmer Tech and takes Felicity Smoak, Donna Smoak, and Thea Queen hostage.
DC's "Legends of Tomorrow" the hit new show that spins off of "Arrow" and "the Flash" airs a new episode on Thursday. The episode entitled "Left Behind" picks up after three members of the team are stranded in 1958 following an attack by the temporal mercenary Chronus. Ray Palmer, Sarah Lance, and Kendra Saunders have to adjust to life in the late fifties and hope that their friends return for them.
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